Saturday, August 23, 2008

Buying and Selling Gold


Someone asked me this question. This person has a few thousand dollars and he wants to make this money multiply in a halal manner. Recently, he heard that the price of gold is going to go up many folds so he wants to know if he could purchase gold with the savings he has right now so that he could sell the gold bars when the price goes up. I found it very hard to answer this question because I dont know whether this is halal.
So, maulana saab is this halal?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh The transaction will be permissible as you have stated in your query that the brother will purchase the gold in cash with his savings. As for the issue of selling the gold, it will only be permissible after the buyer first takes physical possession of the gold.
مصنف عبد الرزاق - (ج 8 / ص 90)14440 - أخبرنا عبد الرزاق قال أخبرنا الأسلمي قال حدثنا عبد الله بن دينار عن بن عمر قال نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم عن بيع الكالىء وهو بيع الدين بالدين وعن بيع المجر وهو بيع ما في البطون الإبل وعن الشغار
البحر الرائق - (ج 6 / ص 211)وقيد بالذهب والفضة لأنه لو باع فضة بفلوس أو ذهب بفلوس فإنه يشترط قبض أحد البدلين قبل الافتراق لا قبضهما كذا في الذخيرة

And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

خيار الرؤية


A person is selling a piece of land. He takes a potential buyer to see the land. However, due to there not being any proper roads to access the land, they are unable to reach the actual plot. However, he roughly points out to the buyer the location of the land. The buyer says he has taken it and even receives the title deeds and makes half the payment. Thereafter, when the buyer actually goes to physically see the piece of land, it turns out that it is in a completely different area from the area which he was initially made to believe. He goes back to the seller and asks for his money which he had paid and says he does not want the land because it is in an area which he was not aware of. Is it permissible for the buyer to rescind his decision to buy the piece of land without the consent of the seller?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh If a person had purchased a piece of land and was shown roughly the plot from a distance, then he will have the option of returning it upon seeing the actual plot. The option of returning the purchased item after seeing (خيار الرؤية) will not be lost by the transfer of title. If the purchaser does not accept the deal after seeing the plot, then Islamically the seller will have to return his money and deal will be nullified. The seller’s consent to nullify the deal is not a requisite.
( قوله : وكفى رؤية ما يؤذن بالمقصود ) لأن رؤية جميع المبيع غير مشروط لتعذره فيكتفى برؤية ما يدل على العلم بالمقصود هداية والمراد أن رؤية ذلك قبل الشراء كافية في سقوط خياره بعده لأنه قد اشترى ما رأى فلا خيار له ، وليس المراد أنه لو اشترى قبل الرؤية ثم رأى ذلك يسقط خياره كما توهمه بعض الطلبة فاستشكله بأن خيار الرؤية غير مؤقت وأنه إذا رآه بعد الشراء لا يسقط إلا بقول أو فعل يدل على الرضا فكيف يسقط بمجرد رؤية ما يؤذن بالمقصود أفاده في النهر ، ويشير إليه الشارح ولا شك أنه توهم ساقط وإلا لزم أن لا يثبت خيار الرؤية بعد الشراء إلا قبل الرؤية بعده ولا قائل به مع أن الرؤية بعد الشراء شرط ثبوت الخيار على ما مر – رد المحتار (4/73) مكتبة رشيدية
And Allah knows best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa, Madrassah Inaamiyah

Using Water heated by Sun

I would like to know whether it is permissible to use solar power as a source of heating water and generating electricity in out homes, in light of the environmental issues surrounding the increase in power demand around the world and the implications this has on global warming. I am a scientist and a keen environmentalist, and therefore understand the harms that increase power demand will have the planet. I was told that water heated from the sun is not permissible.Harvesting solar energy has the potential of providing electricity for our homes without the burning of coal and release of toxic fumes and unneccessary carbon deposition into the atmosphere.


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh It is permissible to use solar power as a source of heating water and generating electricity.

The books of Fiqh do mention that it is makrooh (tanzihi) to use water that is heated by the sun if:
1. It is in a hot country
2. Its on a hot day
3. In a utensil other than gold and silver
4. The water is used while heating This is due to medical reasons that it leads to leprosy. If these conditions are is not found, it will not be makrooh.
Ahsan al-Fatawa (2/43)
H.M. SaeedRad al-Muhtar (1:180) H.M. Saeed
(قوله : وكراهته إلخ ) أقول : المصرح به في شرحي ابن حجر والرملي على المنهاج أنها شرعية تنزيهية لا طبية ، ثم قال ابن حجر : واستعماله يخشى منه البرص كما صح عن عمر رضي الله عنه واعتمده بعض محققي الأطباء لقبض زهومته على مسام البدن فتحبس الدم ، وذكر شروط كراهته عندهم ، وهي أن يكون بقطر حار وقت الحر في إناء منطبع غير نقد ، وأن يستعمل وهو حار . أقول : وقدمنا في مندوبات الوضوء عن الإمداد أن منها أن لا يكون بماء مشمس ، وبه صرح في الحلية مستدلا بما صح عن عمر من النهي عنه ؛ ولذا صرح في الفتح بكراهته ، ومثله في البحر وقال في معراج الدراية وفي القنية : وتكره الطهارة بالمشمس ، { لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم لعائشة رضي الله عنها حين سخنت الماء بالشمس لا تفعلي يا حميراء ، فإنه يورث البرص } " وعن عمر مثله . وفي رواية لا يكره ، وبه قال أحمد ومالك . والشافعي : يكره إن قصد تشميسه . وفي الغاية : وكره بالمشمس في قطر حار في أوان منطبعة ، واعتبار القصد ضعيف ، وعدمه غير مؤثر ا هـ ما في المعراج ، فقد علمت أن المتعمد الكراهة عندنا لصحة الأثر وأن عدمها رواية . والظاهر أنها تنزيهية عندنا
أيضا ، بدليل عده في المندوبات ، فلا فرق

And Allah Knows Best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri
Student Darul Iftaa,
Madrassah Inaamiyyah


In referrence to your Fatwa 15777 i am confused. Are you saying that solar power is permissible only in the conditions stated or are your saying that it is not permissible in those conditions. Condition 1 states if it is in a Hot country, please explain what this means. Hot to whoCondition 2 Again hot to who?


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh It is makrooh tanzeehi to use water for wudhu or ghusl if ALL of the conditions are found. If one of the conditions is not found, then it will not be makrooh tanzeehi.As mentioned before, this is due to medical reasons. Therefore, in classifying a country as hot or a day as hot the view of the professionals in that field will be taken into consideration, as they would know best when water heated directly by the sun becomes harmful.Again, this karahah (disliking) is when the water is put directly in the sun and heated. Solar-powered water heaters in today’s time are not operated in this manner, therefore it will not be makrooh.We request if you can please provide us with scientific research on this matter as requested in the previous reply.And

Allah knows best
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri